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Week 14 Announcement
- Lecture 10c is posted.
- Lecture 10d is posted.
Week 13 Announcement
- Lecture 10a is posted.
- Lecture 10b is posted.
Week 12 Announcement
- Lecture 8c is posted.
- Lecture 9 is posted.
Week 11 Announcement
- Lecture 8a is posted.
- Lecture 8b is posted.
Week 10 Announcement
- Lecture 7a is posted.
- Lecture 7b is posted.
Week 9 Announcement
- Lecture 6a is posted.
- Assignment 3 dataset for Part 2 is updated. Please re-download it!
- Lecture 6b is posted.
Week 7 Announcement
- PageRank example sheet is uploaded to Lecture 5.
- Midterm review slides are posted.
- IMPORTANT: Adjustment to midterm exam schedule: 3pm to 4:45pm.
- Time to form a project team (preferably a size of 3-4 people per team) and pick a project idea.
- Assignment 3 (a deeper dive with Ray) is out (due on 03/20)!
Week 6 Announcement
- Assignment 2’s submission instruction gets updated.
- Lecture 5a’s slides are posted.
- Lecture 5b’s slides are posted.
Week 5 Announcement
- Lecture 4a’s slides are posted.
- Lecture 4b’s slides are posted.
- Assignment 2 is out (due on 02/28)!
Week 4 Announcement
- Lecture 3’s slides are posted.
Week 3 Announcement
- Lecture 2c’s slides are posted.
- Lecture 2d’s slides are posted.
- Assignment 1 is out!
Week 2 Announcement
- Lecture 2a’s slides are posted.
- Lecture snippets contains all the important snippets that we will discuss/have discussed in lecture. You can also find the link under Resources.
- Assignment 0 is out!
- Lecture 2b’s slides are posted. Notebook demo is also posted.
Week 1 Announcement
- Welcome to DS 5110 / CS 5501!
- Lecture 1’s slides are posted.