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DS5110/CS5501, Spring’24: Big Data Systems
Week 14 Announcement
- Lecture 10c is posted.
- Lecture 10d is posted.
Welcome to the course of Big Data Systems. Scalable big data systems are a central part of modern data science. This course will cover topics including design and use of parallel dataflow systems (MapReduce/Hadoop and Spark), scalable and parallel Python analytics frameworks, cloud data systems (cloud storage, cloud-native data processing), and machine learning systems. A major component of this course is hands-on programming using scalable analytics tools and cloud resources on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud.
Lecture Info
- Instructor: Yue Cheng
- Meeting time: MW 3:30 pm - 4:45pm
- Location: Thornton Hall E303
Topics (tentative)
- Basic of computer systems, principles of parallel and distributed computing
- Google big data infrastructures (MapReduce, Google File System)
- Spark
- Parallel Python analytics
- Large-scale databases, cloud storage systems (Amazon Dynamo, AWS S3/DynamoDB)
- Cloud computing
- Serverless computing
- Machine learning systems (Ray, federated learning, distributed deep learning systems)
- Data datacenter computing (Google/Alibaba)
- All students should be comfortable with programming in one of the following programming languages: Python, Java, Go, C/C++. This is a strong requirement as DS 5110/CS5501 features hands-on programming.
- That said, being comfortable with Python is strongly recommended as all the programming assignments will be done using Python. Having some experience in Java, Go, C/C++ is a big plus!