CS 571 Operating Systems (Spring 2021)

Project 2: Caching Policies

Important Dates and Other Stuff

Due Friday, 03/19, midnight (11:59 pm).

Due Friday, 03/26, midnight (11:59 pm).

This project is to be done by yourself.

This project will be graded on Zeus. So make sure your implementation compiles and works on Zeus.

NOTE: This is an open-ended, research-oriented project. While you are supplied with a simulator framework to start off with, you are welcome to implement your own and/or use other C-written, third-party libraries to facilitate your implementation.

In this project, you’ll implement and experiment with a series of cache replacement policies (i.e., caching policies). Caching is one of the oldest and most fundamental metaphor in modern computing. It is widely used in storage systems (for example, OSes, web caches, distributed file systems, and a lot more). Any substantial progress in caching algorithms will affect the entire modern computational stack.

There are three specific objectives to this project assignment:

  • To gain hands-on experience implementing several widely-used cache replacement policies.
  • To get a deeper understanding about how different caching algorithms may affect the performance of an application workload.
  • To conduct entry-level, research-oriented, experimental analysis and prepare a writeup that documents your approaches and reports your findings.

GitLab Repo

Again, for this project, we supply you with a testing framework that is written using bash script. The URL for the Git repository is located at: https://git.gmu.edu/cs571-proj-spring21/caching-policies. As always, please DO NOT clone the Git repo directly. Instead, follow the GitLab Setup instructions to create a private repo on the Mason GitLab server. You’ll commit you changes locally and push them to your private GitLab repo for grading.

Overview: Basic Caching Model

In this project assignment, you will implement a series of cache replacement policies, including three policies that are required to implement: LRU, MRU, and ARC; (and two optional policies: LFU and Belady’s MIN for extra credit.)

We assume a simulated storage system that consists of two levels: a main memory (or cache) and an auxiliary storage. The cache is assumed to be much faster than the auxiliary storage, but is also significantly more expensive. Hence, the size of the cache memory is usually a fraction of the size of the auxiliary storage.

Both the memory cache and the auxiliary storage are managed in units of uniformly sized items known as pages (or blocks for auxiliary storage). We assume a demand paging scenario, where a page of memory is paged in the cache from the auxiliary storage only when a request is made for the page and the page is not already present in the cache. In particular, demand paging rules out prefetching. For a full cache, before a new page can be inserted into the cache, one of the existing pages must be paged out. The victim page is selected using a specified caching policy. Under demand paging model, the caching policy is the only algorithm of interest. The most important metric of success for a caching policy is its hit rate – the fraction of pages that can be served from the main memory. The miss rate is the fraction of pages that must be paged into the cache from the auxiliary storage.

The caching policies that you implement will simulate the behavior of a real caching system. Since it is just simulation and what we care about a caching policy’s performance is simply its hit rate, you only need to implement the caching policies in an abstract manner – to capture the number of cache hits (and the number of cache misses). That is, you wouldn’t care about implementing sophisticated mechanisms that perform real data management (i.e., each storage request is abstracted as a four-field vector) – given a specific storage trace file and a specific cache size, the simulator would iterate through the provided trace file line-by-line and eventually report the cache hit rate when the trace file is fully processed.

Program Specifications

Basic Structure

You will implement the aforementioned caching policies in a simple cache simulator skeleton framework that is provided by the instructor.

A cache simulation is driven by a program called driver.c, which calls the caching functions declared in cache.h and defined in cache.c. You will the static functions related to specific caching policies in cache.c.

Use the following command to compile the basic simulator code:

gcc -o driver driver.c cache.c -Wall -Werror

NOTE: that you can create a Makefile to automate the compilation if you like. If you plan to add additional C source files, you will have to modify the above compilation command accordingly.

Simulation Driver

The simulation driver (driver.c) takes several command-line arguments as input:

static void usage(char *binname) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s [-f trace_file] [-p caching_policy] [-s cache_size]\n", binname);
    fprintf(stderr, "\t-f <trace_file>: trace file\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t-p <caching_policy>: 0|1|2|3|4\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t\t0: LRU\n\t\t1: MRU\n\t\t2: ARC\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t\t3: LFU\n\t\t4: MIN\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t-s <cache_size>: cache capacity in num. pages\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\t-h: show usage\n");

The driver can be invoked with three arguments; anything else is an error and will call the above usage() function to print our the following usage information:

% ./driver [-f trace_file] [-p caching_policy] [-s cache_size]
	-f <trace_file>: trace file
	-p <caching_policy>: 0|1|2|3|4
		0: LRU
		1: MRU
		2: ARC
		3: LFU
		4: MIN
	-s <cache_size>: cache capacity in num. pages
	-h: show usage

Here is an example way to simulate an LRU policy with a trace file traces/P1.lis and a cache that can hold up to 16384 pages (where each page is of 512 KB):

% ./driver -f traces/P1.lis -p 0 -s 16384

driver.c already implements a function called simulation_run(), which opens a specified trace_file and processes the trace_file line-by-line using a while loop that calls fscanf(). For each line read from the trace_file, the driver calls cache_next_entry() that further calls a caching function defined in cache.c and specified using the command-line argument -p <caching_policy>.

Trace Format

You are provided a list of storage trace datasets located in the traces/ directory. Use these traces to evaluate your caching policies and conduct trace-driven analysis.

Each line in a trace file contains a 4-field vector, corresponding to a storage I/O request that touches one or multiple pages (blocks):

  • Field 1: The logical block identifier (ID) – the address of the data requested.

  • Field 2: The number of pages (blocks) included in this request.

  • Field 3: This field is ignored.

  • Field 4: The request ID – the line number.

An I/O request may span multiple pages (specified using Field 2), and thus will be broken into multiple requests each requesting an individual page. See below the for loop (in function simulation_run() of driver.c) that breaks a big multi-page request into multiple page requests:

  for (i = 0; i < req_size; i++) {
    // req_lba+i: logical block ID
    // caching_policy: encoded caching policy
    // cache_size: the cache capacity in number of pages (blocks)
    cache_next_entry(req_lba+i, caching_policy, cache_size);

Implement Caching Policies

The caching functions follow a naming convention of <policy>_next_entry(), where the prefix <policy> specifies the corresponding caching policy. These <policy>_next_entry() functions left with TODOs are places where you will implement the specific caching algorithms.

You can add your own functions within cache.c if the implementation of a particular <policy>_next_entry() function is too long. You can also modify cache.h if needed.

In this project, you should implement the following three caching policies:

  • LRU (25% credit): When the user specifies -p 0 when invoking the driver, the simulator should simulate the LRU policy. A common way to approximate LRU is to use a mapping table (e.g., a hash table1) for keeping track of the cached pages and a doubly linked list2 for tracking recency3.
    When a new page item is inserted into the cache, this page will be added to the mapping table and will be added to the MRU position (either head or tail of the linked list depending on your implementation of the data structure) of the linked list. When an already-cached page item is referenced again, this page will be first removed from the linked list and then added to the MRU position. When the cache is full, the page item at the LRU position will be evicted (i.e., removed from both the linked list and the mapping table) before a new page can be inserted into the cache.

  • MRU (25% credit): When the user specifies -p 1 when invoking the driver, the simulator should simulate the MRU policy. MRU tracks recency and works the opposite way as LRU does; that is, when the cache is full, the page item at the MRU position will be evicted before a new page can be inserted into the cache.

  • ARC (30% credit): When the user specifies -p 2 when invoking the driver, the simulator should simulate the ARC policy. ARC will be built atop your LRU mechanism (the mapping table and linked list data structure). Follow the specifications (Fig. 4) in the ARC paper to model ARC’s behaviors. Specifically, your ARC policy should handle the following cases:
    1. Case I: When page is already in the cache, move the accessed page to the MRU position of T2.
    2. Case II-III: When there is a miss and the missing page is in the ghost cache (B1 or B2), follow the replacement and adaptation routine defined in the original algorithm4.
    3. Case IV: When there is a miss and the missing page is not in the ghost cache:
      1. Case A: L1 has exactly capacity (i.e., c) number of pages4.
      2. Case B: L1 has less than capacity (i.e., c) number of pages4.
  • Project Report (20% credit): See Prepare Project Report.

LFU and MIN are optional:

  • LFU (15% extra credit): When the user specified -p 3 when invoking the driver, the simulator should simulate the LFU policy. Since LFU tracks access frequency instead of recency, you will need to implement a priority queue5 data structure to track frequency. Priority queues, e.g., binary heap or RB-tree, could be used to achieve a time complexity of O(logN) when inserting, deleting, and searching a page. However, you can always use a linked list with a time complexity of O(N) – it would be significantly slower when you run large trace dataset.

  • MIN (15% extra credit): When the user specifies -p 4 when invoking the driver, the simulator should simulate the offline MIN policy. MIN assumes that the cache has perfect future knowledge. To achieve this, MIN would need multiple passes to a specified trace_file:

    1. A first pass to annotate the original trace dataset with the request ID of the immediate next reference (of the same page) – this pass will generate an annotated trace file.
    2. A second pass to the annotated trace file – the cache simulation pass: in this pass, when making the eviction decision, the cache would simply evict page with the largest next reference. Again, you will implement a priority queue-like data structure that sorts pages by the next reference field. The hit rate metric will be calculated in this pass. Feel free to schedule a meeting to discuss your implementation plan with the instructor if you are interesting in exploring MIN.

Report Caching Metrics

When you work on your first caching policy – LRU, you may want to implement the report_cache_metrics() function (defined in cache.c) so that your simulator can generate a report of cache performance statistics. For example, your code must report the hit rate of the simulation run. In addition to the hit rate, you may also want to report basic configuration options such as caching policy and cache capacity as well as some other basic statistics such as number of operations, number of hits, number of misses, time to finish the simulation run. (For timing, you’ll need to use a timer (e.g., gettimeofday()).)

Miscellaneous Hints

When the driver invokes <policy>_next_entry() for the first time, the cache structures must be initialized with an empty state. For example, to implement LRU, you can define your own struct lru_cache, which has fields associated with a mapping table, a linked list, and extra fields for recording runtime statistics; Struct lru_cache will be initialized when lru_next_entry() gets called for the first time.

Since you will be dealing with lots of pointer operations, make sure to free() malloc’ed memory objects to avoid memory leakage. Run valgrind at some point for this purpose. We will not grade your submission based on whether it leaks memory or not, as long as it can finish a simulation run. However, a buggy implementation that leaks memory may OOM (out-of-memory error) and crash, you never know.

Keep versions of your code. More advanced programmers will use a source control system such as git. Minimally, when you get a piece of functionality working, make a copy of your .c file (perhaps a subdirectory with a version number, such as v1, v2, etc.). By keeping older, working versions around, you can comfortably work on adding new functionality, safe in the knowledge you can always go back to an older, working version if need be.

Alternatively, you can use Git’s awesome feature the Git tags. Git is useful in tracking your development progress. You can use tags to checkpoint the major milestones as you go. To do so, you can do something like the following:

% git tag -a -m 'i finished LRU, LFU, and MRU, now working on ARC...' proj2-v1
% git push origin master proj2-v1

Prepare Project Report

When you finish the implementation, you will measure the hit rates of all the provided traces in traces/ by sizing the cache capacity. The configuration space is three-dimensional:

  1. various caching policies (LRU, MRU, and ARC, etc.),
  2. various cache sizes,
  3. various trace files (DS1, OLTP, P1-P7, and P12).

Pick 5-10 meaningful cache sizes (e.g., from 10,240-512,000) and run all of your implemented caching policies. By meaningful, I mean that the capacity is not too small (that effectively generates too low of a hit rate) nor too big (that effectively yield the optimal hit rate). The ARC paper uses a subset of the same traces for simulation evaluation. Read Section V (Experimental Results) of the ARC paper to get an idea.

Note the ARC paper sizes the cache using a log-scale; you can, however, linearly increase the cache size. The goal is to clearly capture an increasing trend of the hit rate when the cache size increases. Also note that your results might be slightly different from what were reported in the ARC paper; this should be fine (as the implementation details may vary).

You will write a project report to describe your simulation results. Your project report will address the following questions about your work:

  • Q1: Your design and implementation. How did you implement the caching policies?

  • Q2: Your experimental analysis. First, graph your results. making a graph that looks similar to the one shown below. Use a good tool like gnuplot (link) or matplotlib (link). Visualization usually makes the data much easier to digest; why do you think that is? Then, explain your results.

  • Q3: A discussion. What have you learned from this project assignment? You could discuss anything ranging from debugging, implementation, to insights that you drew while experimenting with your implemented caching policies.

You may use Microsoft Word for the report. Or, if you like, you could use LaTex, which is a high-quality typesetting system for publication of scientific documents. If you choose to use MS Word, make sure to convert it to pdf for submission. If you choose to use LaTex, you can use the USENIX latex template.

What (and how) to hand in

You will submit your project assignment using GitLab. The submission will consist of whatever is contained in your private caching-policies repository, including a README file, the source code, and a pdf of your project report.

  1. You will provide a README file in your GitHub repository to document i) the structure of your code, e.g., extra source files and libraries that you added in addition to the given ones, and ii) how to compile your code on Zeus. Note you should not assume that any third-party libraries that you use in your development are provided on Zeus. You are responsible for supplying any third-party libraries as part of your submission.

  2. You will need to share your private repository with our GTA Michael (his GitLab ID is the same as his Mason Email ID: mcrawsha). Make sure to grant Michael a role of “Developer” or “Maintainer”. Note that “Guest” role permission does not necessarily grant access.

  3. Commit all your changes by typing:

    % git commit -am 'the final awesome solution of proj2: [Your Name] and [Your GMU ID]'

And that’s all. We will check the timestamp (your last commit timestamp) for late submission. So make sure to submit before the deadline.

Have fun caching!


1: Hash table: Wikipedia entry.

2: Doubly linked list: Wikipedia entry.

3: Example LRU implementation using a hash table and a doubly linked list: link.

4: ARC: A self-tuning, low overhead replacement cache. Nimrod Megiddo, Dharmendra S. Modha. USENIX FAST 2003.

5: Unfortunately, there are not many great, C-written, open-source data structure library that you can choose for implementing a priority queue. You may pretty much have to reinvent the wheel in C. However, since this project is open-ended, you are welcome to search on your own and find one (not too heavyweight) that suits your need.